Life insurance is designed to protect your dependents, in the case of your death. Will your kids be able to pay for their own college tuition? Will your spouse be able to support a family on their own income? Will your family be able to cover the costs of your medical bills and/or funeral? By financially protecting your beneficiaries, you can be assured that they will be able to survive financially when you can’t provide for them.
This is a decision that should not be taken lightly, and we here at Good Deal Insurance want to make sure you are well informed about the choices you are making. Please give us a call at (626) 275-6795 if you have any questions about life insurance.
What we offer:
- Whole Life Insurance
- Return of Premiums
- Term Life Insurance
- Survivorship Life Insurance
- Universal Life Insurance
- Retirement Savings Plans
- Education Funds
- Long Term Care
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