Group health insurance is an insurance policy provided by a company’s employer to his/her employees. There are a large variety of different insuranc eplans such as medical, dental, vision, life, short-term disability, and long-term disability.
Our goal is to promote and provide affordable coverage to employees of eligible businesses who are not currently offering plans. Group health is a good way to promote general employee wellbeing, knowing that they are covered with the highest quality of care.
What we offer:
- Medical Insurance
- Dental Insurance
- Vision Insurance
- Life Insurance
- Short-Term Disability
- Long-Term Disability
Eligibility for group health:
- 2 employee minimum (includes owner) or at least 1 enrolling and the other being a valid waiver
- Employees must be on payroll (payroll journal, DE-9C) for at least 50% of the time of the previous quarter. Owners that are not on payroll should have ownership documents such as a business license or similar form.
- Company needs to have been in business for at least three months
- 75% minimum participation requirements (participation may be lower for certain plans with certain carriers.
- HMO: assigns a primary health care physician (PCP, or family doctor) and an independent physician association (IPA, or medical group) and requires you to stay in the network. When seeing a specialist, having lab work done, or going to the hospital, you must have a referral from your primary care physician first.
- PPO: allows you to visit whichever in-network physician or healthcare provider you wish to see without first requiring a referral from a primary care physician. However, it is important that you check to see if your provider accepts your health plan so you can receive the highest level of benefits. Generally, in-network services will be covered at a higher benefit level than out-of-network services.